Here is a hand-picked selection of the finest Christian posters for Church available. A little back-story: having some experience in illustration and design my Pastor asked me to recommend some posters for our humble Church. I thought it would be an easy task–but let me tell you, it wasn’t! There is a lot out there… and not very much of it is very good at all unfortunately. I look for posters made by people with Christian sensibilities. I look for designers with God given talent, faith and humility. And that takes some searching! I’ve ended up with a pretty big list of posters you would want to see in a Christian Church and figured I may as well share it with everyone. And, I’ll be updating it regularly as I find more great art so come back regularly or visit on Facebook to see the latest posters!
The Best Christian Posters For Church.
In God We Trust
An inspirational and beautifully designed poster which reminds us to trust in God–a simple but true message which is repeated to infinity. This is a great Christian poster for Church with a modern design which suits many different architectural and room types.
Portrait of Jesus
A beautiful and classic portrait of Jesus for the Faithful. Worshipers will love the image in this poster.
Taken by a Christian photographer, this poster uses a photo of a teenager and child reading the Bible together to symbolize one of the ways that God’s Word is passed through the generations. Included on the poster is text from Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”